This is how you voted in 2022:
List vote distribution:

Seat distribution
List | Number of seats won |
Club Marta* | 10 |
Campus Grün | 16 |
Linke Liste | 6 |
Erststimmen Verteilung
Club Marta*
Surname, first name | Number of votes |
Caroline Weise | 35 |
Alina Sellien | 30 |
Leonie Wittmann | 26 |
Johanna Listl | 17 |
Campus Grün
Name, Vorname | Stimmenanzahl |
Laura Jung | 40 |
Lea Schumacher | 37 |
Hannah Trippner | 25 |
Melvin Geib Caballero | 24 |
Samuel Malessa | 14 |
Niklas Freybe | 13 |
Linke Liste
Name, Vorname | Stimmenanzahl |
Julia Hurtig | 16 |
Moritz Ranalder | 10 |
Jana von der Au | 9 |
David Kaiser | 9 |
Robert Erben | 2 |
More info on the election
In accordance with §15 Paragraph 3, the election minutes can be viewed at the AStA secretariat until 22 July 2022. It is best to contact the election management by email beforehand, as the AStA secretariat is currently not continuously staffed. Within this period, the election can be contested in writing with reasons to the election management (wahlleitung[at]
For further questions, please contact the election officers Simone Mangold and Emily Greifzu (wahlleitung(at)